Hello, I'm Jamie Lee.
I'm an experienced fullstack-developer, enjoy building interesting webapp.
Currently my focus is Fullstack in GenAI applications & infrastructure.
Hello, I'm Jamie Lee.
I'm an experienced fullstack-developer, enjoy building interesting webapp.
Currently my focus is Fullstack in GenAI applications & infrastructure.
About me
Dynamic Full Stack Engineer with a proven track record in frontend and fullstack development, proficient in utilizing Vue. React, ,NextJS, NodeJS, and Python to create responsive and impactful web applications. Successfully led and contributed to multiple projects, designing and enhancing user interfaces to significantly elevate user experience and operational efficiency. Demonstrates strong proficiency in integrating modern web technologies to develop scalable solutions. Eager to contribute technical skills and a passion for innovative web development to a forward-thinking team.
Personal Projects
Could use semantic way to search github repositories. Has crawled the github repo texts, embedded, and then uploaded on Qdrant database.
- NextJS
- Python, FastAPI
- Qdrant
AI Agent Mock
Inspired by Coze, where users could generate their own workflow. Currently there are prompt trigger, llm agent, and slack agent.
- NextJS
- React Flow
- Tailwind
Providing an intelligent, adaptive memory layer for Large Language Models (LLMs), retaining and utilizing contextual information across diverse applications.
- Typescript
- Qdrant
Opensource multi-agent framework. Assign different roles to GPTs to form a collaborative entity for complex tasks.
- Typescript
- OpenAI SDK
Contributed a Typescript version for reference due to the MistralAI's official js SDK being type-less.
- Typescript
- Mistral SDK
AI Tutor
This is a online tutor, could interact with users in both text and speech, which is enpowered by Openai and ElevenLab currently.
- NextJS
- OpenAI API
- ElevenLab
- Tailwind
My skills
- NextJS
- React
- Vue
- NodeJS
- NestJS
- Python
- FastAPI
My experience
Full-Stack Developer
Solo developer
Take part in different GenAI product development; also looking for any cooperation opportunities.
2024/04 - PresentFull-Stack Developer
Onework is a Taiwan startup, focusing on digital twins. I play a role as full-stack developer for main product and related library.
2023/04 - 2024/04Front-End Developer
Logflows is a HongKong startup, focusing on transportation digitalize. I played the role as main frontend engineer for different products, including website and mobile app, in Vue and Flutter.
2021/04-2023/04SEO engineer
Aloha is a HongKong digital marketing startup. I was play the role in SEO data analysis and content writer.
2020/05 - 2021/10Contact me
Please contact me directly at jamie200665@gmail.com , or through this form.